Backcasting to the Future Podcast by Steppin' Off the Edge

Recently, The Natural Step Canada’s Karen Miller sat down with Jamie of Steppin’ off the Edge to record a podcast on sustainability.

To listen to the podcast in full, please click here.

Jamie wanted to understand more about the areas of environmentalism and sustainability, so he took the opportunity to step off the edge with Karen Miller, Junior Advisor for The Natural Step Canada. The podcast explored some critical philosophies like backcasting, cradle-to-cradle design, and what types of questions to ask yourself when making decisions–either as an individual or part of an organization–in order to approach living a truly sustainable existence.

As Jamie writes, “the other show highlights include how to embed sustainability into corporate culture, build momentum for change, avoid getting greenwashed, and understand the economic engines of society operate through the lens of sustainability. I close out the episode with some examples of backcasting in action, including Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. While some have rightly suggested this thought provoking piece of media has a few glaring issues, it is still something I feel everyone should watch.”

To listen to the podcast, please click here. You can also download the podcast from iTunes by searching for: Steppin off the edge.

The Natural Step Canada would like to thank Jamie for putting together a great podcast.