
Göran Carstedt - transformation towards sustainability: the leadership challenge (Accelerate 2013)

Tim Brodhead kicked off the closing keynote at the Accelereate: Collaborating for Sustainability Conference by sharing a few congratulatory remarks before offering the floor to Göran Carstedt. Göran shared his reflections on leadership and the conference. He opened with a remark on the conference model; that it wove together thinkers and doers, theorists and practitioners, time for listening and time for conversations.

Summertime reflections - a message from the Executive Director

Summer is here and I am grateful for the time to swim in the lakes, hike through the trees and have picnics in the parks. It provides me with inspiration and a connection to the earth through mud pies and sand castles.

It is also a time to reflect and celebrate. Of course, my reflection turns to the Accelerate conference – the first conference that The Natural Step Canada has ever hosted. It is hard to imagine that a month has passed since many of us met in Guelph. The team here are both humbled and energized by the buzz that emerged and continues to emerge through our conversations and work with many of you. It has given us a lot of energy to continue accelerating our own work – and we hear from you that it is doing the same for your efforts.

Ziptrek Ecotours wins the Sustainability in Action Award!

The Natural Step Canada would like to congratulate our client Ziptrek Ecotours on winning the Sustainability in Action Award, presented and sponsored by the Whistler Centre for Sustainability, at the Whistler Excellence Awards. The Natural Step Canada is proud to have provided our Sustainable Business services to Ziptrek Ecotours. Learn more about our work with Ziptrek Ecotours and their sustainability journey here.

Art & Resilient Cities: Graphic Recording

I was very fortunate to spend 3 days last week with a group of about 20 amazing people discussing how art could/should contribute to create resilient (sustainable) cities for people. A group of artists had met the previous three days to discuss the same topic and we took it from where they stopped.

Pratt & Whitney Launches 2025 Sustainability Goals to Be Achieved by Its 100th Anniversary

Demonstrates its Global Record of Sustainability Leadership, Achievement and Commitment

The Natural Step Canada would like to congratulate Pratt & Whitney, parent company to our partner Pratt & Whitney Canada, on publishing aggressive sustainability goals to be reached by its 100th anniversary, in 2025. These goals are inspired in part from excellent sustainability work done by Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC). The Natural Step Canada is proud to have been providing our Sustainable Business services to P&WC since 2011. Learn more about our work with Pratt & Whitney Canada and their sustainability journey here.

On the Edges of Our Seats, and of Our Learning

This past week, we closed the first Call for Expressions of Interest for the newly formed Sustainability Transition Lab program at The Natural Step Canada. It has been an amazing learning opportunity.

We are receiving feedback that our approach to the Expression of Interest process itself is creative and is unlike other RFP or proposal submissions. Since releasing our Call for Expressions of Interest, we have been speaking with candidates, hosting their questions, and immersing ourselves in the depths of their ideas. We’ve attempted to understand the change agents behind the ideas, their cultures, their passions, and why they are willing to put such skin in the game here.

A Sustainable Society is Possible – Chad Park’s post-Accelerate Reflections

“Growing complexity means that trends and data are amplifying and meshing at the speed of light, and those who are able to see the patterns that are emerging from this clustering of ideas and events will be those who can pull transformational futures into the present.”

Frank Spencer – Turning Wicked Problems Into Wicked Opportunities

Will complexity kill us or save us?

I was supposed to be in Calgary and Banff this past weekend. Instead, I’m staying in Ontario as the event I was supposed to attend was cancelled. As I watched the shocking images emerge of flooded cities in my native province, the scale and complexity of our society’s collective sustainability challenge was top of mind once again. So too was the fact, known but often forgotten, that we are part of nature – and tiny in relation to its powerful forces.

We know more of this is coming. The challenges we face are daunting indeed.

Justmeans: Canadian Conference Explores Transformational Collaboration for Systems Change

The blog Canadian Conference Explores Transformational Collaboration for Systems Change was originally posted by Robyn Hall of Justmeans.


The Natural Step Canada will be gathering sustainability leaders next week to learn about and experience the collaboration needed for transformational change. Over two hundred participants are expected in Guelph, Ontario from June 10 to 11 for the Accelerate: Collaborating for Sustainability Conference

Collaboration or Collision – facing down the barriers of sustainability transformation

The blog Collaboration or Collision – facing down the barriers of sustainability transformation was originally posted by Kathryn Cooper of the Sustainability Learning Centre, a partner of The Natural Step Canada. 


Collaboration is complicated. I am working with a non-governmental organization (NGO) to bring together four other non-governmental organizations, one municipal government with multiple engaged departments (energy, water, transportation, waste, wellbeing), two utilities, businesses  and neighbourhood groups to launch a city-wide conservation and environmental footprint reduction program.

IMPACT! Sustainability Champions inspired to turn ideas into concrete action for change in Vancouver

Thank you to Adrienne McCurdy, our storyteller, for capturing this story and photos during the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program in Vancouver.


"Capital isn't so important in business. Experience isn't so important. You can get both these things. What is important is ideas. If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life."
— Harvey Firestone


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