
VIDEO: Bob Willard shares how the sustainability Gold-standard will pave the way towards Capitalism 2.0

Bob Willard, a board member of The Natural Step Canada and a partner in our Towards a Gold-standard for Sustainable Business initiative, shares the vital role that the sustainability Gold-standard will play in charting a path towards capitalism 2.0. Bob breaks it down into three parts:

A Gold-standard for truly sustainable enterprises

The article A Gold-standard for truly sustainable enterprises, written by Chad Park and Bob Willard, was originally published on


A question has been simmering on our back burners over the last 15 years: How would we recognize a truly sustainable enterprise if we saw one? Joel Makower’s “What is sustainability, anyway?” post asked that question and added a second one: How do we get business people, like sales reps, excited about sustainability?

The Next Natural Step - A Message from the Executive Director

Spring has finally arrived here in Canada’s capital region. It’s a good time for new beginnings, and I’m pleased to officially launch The Natural Step Canada’s next phase.

This newsletter profiles many new initiatives at The Natural Step Canada as well as changes to our business model. It outlines a number of new ways for individuals and organizations to engage with us to help accelerate the transition to a sustainable society. These are the culmination of a long period of reflection and deliberation by our Board, Staff, Associates and other supporters over the year and half leading up to our 10th anniversary in Canada in 2013. We’ve thought a great deal about how best to leverage our organization’s strengths in service of our mission and how to scale up our impact. We have appreciated the input and assistance of many partners in that process.

We invite you to join us in accelerating change, together.

Rivière-du-Loup lance officiellement son plan intégré pour la durabilité de la collectivité

A l'occasion de la journée de la terre, lundi 22 avril 2013, la Ville de Rivière-du-Loup a officiellement lancé son plan intégré pour la durabilité "S'engager pour un futur stimulant" basé sur la démarche The Natural Step. Ce plan est le résultat de plus de 60 rencontres de travail et de consultations citoyennes échelonnées sur deux ans et visant à engager la population dans la définition d'une vision à long terme pour la collectivité qui lui permettra de se diriger vers la durabilité. Le plan vise à guider les décisions à court, moyen et long terme et engage les dirigeants et les organisations de la collectivité à prendre ensemble des mesures concrètes dans sa transition vers une ville durable.

Une brochure a également été distribuée dans tous les foyers afin d'informer la population du travail réalisé et des premières réussites. Vous pouvez la feuilleter en ligne en cliquant ici.

Bob Willard on the Movement Toward Sustainable Capital Markets

The Natural Step is collaborating with many different actors working to embed sustainability into the heart of the capital markets (lending and investing), and into the heart of what it means to be a successful business. Working masterfully behind the scenes at the center of all these efforts is author, thought leader and Natural Step board member Bob Willard. His latest article 2015 Will Bring “Sweeping Changes” to Capital Markets tells us in simple, clear language how close we are to sweeping change toward sustainability in the capital markets, and why.



Congratulations to The Co-operators Group Ltd. on Being Named the Most Sustainable Co-op in the World by Corporate Knights Magazine!

The Natural Step Canada would like to congratulate our close partner and client, The Co-operators Group Ltd., on being named the most sustainable co-op in the world by Corporate Knights Magazine. This is a well-earned and well-deserved accolade. The Natural Step Canada has provided our Sustainable Business services to The Co-operators since 2006, we co-produced a national Sustainability at Home Toolkit, and we are partners in delivering the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program for young leaders across Canada. Learn more about our work with The Co-operators and their sustainability journey here.

Radio Canada: Le développement durable en action

The Natural Step (TNS) présenté dans l'émission "Les samedis du monde: le développement durable en action" sur Radio Canada le 6 avril 2013. Lors d'un entretien avec John Purkis, cette émission présente l'origine de l'organisation sans but lucratif The Natural Step, la démarche stratégique de développement durable utilisée ainsi que des exemples d'application de la démarche TNS à des collectivités canadiennes telles que Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue (Québec) ou Whistler (Colombie-Britannique) et des entreprises telles que Nike.

Alyssa Kostello’s reflections on her IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training experience

Thanks to Alyssa Kostello, Capilano University student and President of NOW! Theatre in Vancouver, for this video and blog about her experience participating in the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program. Thanks, as well, to Phil Baudin, Executive Director of Modo The Car Co-op, for his support as a mentor to Alyssa.

Message from the Executive Director: Registration for the Accelerate: Collaborating for Sustainability conference is now open

Secure your spot today!

The Natural Step Canada is convening this conference because we keep hearing increasing calls for greater collaboration to solve complex sustainability challenges. But collaboration is not easy. Many of us are used to addressing problems and issues at an organizational scale and do not have experience engaging diverse groups and being effective contributors to multi-stakeholder change processes.

Congratulations to the Landmark Group of Builders!

Congratulations to the Landmark Group of Builders for winning the Award for Corporate Environmental Excellence at the 11th annual GLOBE-Net Awards for Environmental Excellence! To read more about how The Natural Step Canada has helped Landmark embed sustainability into every aspect of the company please visit Landmark Group of Builders: Greening the Home Building Sector.


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