
Join us for a Free Webinar on Getting to Results with Sustainability Transition Labs

If there’s one thing we can report since launching the Sustainability Transition Lab initiative last year it is that collaboration is messy business. If you like static roles, clear-cut deadlines and deliverables, and you don’t like having your ideas and opinions challenged, the collaborative space is probably not for you.

If on the other hand you can handle having your assumptions pointed out to you, you’re ready to adjust your schedule to accommodate others just as busy as yourself, and you’re ready to accept that the viewpoints you bring to the table may not turn out to be the most popular, you just might be ready for collaboration.

Can Alberta lead on lowering emissions?

The article Can Alberta lead on lowering emissions? Written by Chad Park, Executive Director of The Natural Step Canada, was originally published in the Edmonton Journal.


This week, international and provincial leaders from science, policy, clean technology, industry and government will gather in Edmonton for Zero 2014, a conference focused on driving the transition to a low-carbon future.

Observers might be forgiven for doing a double take upon reviewing the program. This event is happening in Alberta?

For many outside the province, the notion of Alberta talking about a low-carbon future is highly counterintuitive.

Positively IMPACTING my world!

A few months back I had the amazing opportunity to part take in the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training PLUS in Ottawa. The goal of this training is for participants to deepen their sustainability understanding, enhance their confidence as young leaders, and become empowered with the tools and support to develop and launch successful sustainability projects and social enterprises in their region.

Learn about sustainability for FREE with short animation videos on YouTube

In addition to my work as an associate with The Natural Step, a few months ago I started a YouTube channel called Sustainability Illustrated. The purpose of the channel is to change the world one video at a time by giving people free access to the best sustainability knowledge and processes available.

Waterloo’s social innovators

The blog Waterloo’s social innovators by Beth Gallagher was originally posted on the University of Waterloo website. Yale Wang (pictured here, centre, photo by Jonathan Belaski, Light Imaging) and Lexi Salt (right) took part in the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program in Guelph in 2013. Special thanks to our partners St. Paul’s University College GreenHouse Program at the University of Waterloo.

Sustainability-driven Collaboration, Part III: Simplicity without reduction, authentic leadership, and process design

The article Sustainability-driven Collaboration, Part III: Simplicity without reduction, authentic leadership, and process design written by Chad Park, Executive Director of The Natural Step Canada, is the third blog as part of a series that was originally published on the Social Innovation Generation website.


In the previous entry in this three-part series on Sustainability-driven Collaboration, I discussed value creation and vision as key drivers of collaboration: how shared and individual value keep collaborators at the table working towards collective goals and how an ambitious, principle-based vision of success (sustainability) can provide creative tension and serve as a powerful driving force for such  multi-stakeholder initiatives.

IMPACT! Workshop Builds Leadership for Sustainable Change

The blog IMPACT! Workshop Builds Leadership for Sustainable Change written by Sharla Wallace was originally posted on the University of Guelph website. Sharla took part in the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program in Guelph in 2013 and is a master's student in the International Development / Capacity Development & Extension,  M.Sc Candidate 2014.

Sustainability-driven Collaboration, Part II: Value Creation and Vision as a Driving Force

The article Sustainability-driven Collaboration, Part II: Value Creation and Vision as a Driving Force written by Chad Park, Executive Director of The Natural Step Canada, is the second blog as part of a series that was originally published on the Social Innovation Generation website.


In the first post of this three-part series, Sustainability-driven Collaboration, I discussed the imperative for profound systems change to address sustainability challenges, which provoked the question: how we can provide a platform for sustainability-driven collaboration in which participants are able to embrace complexity and reframe ‘wicked problems’ as ‘wicked opportunities’?

Sustainability-driven Collaboration: A platform for turning wicked problems into wicked opportunities

The article Sustainability-driven Collaboration: A platform for turning wicked problems into wicked opportunities written by Chad Park, Executive Director of The Natural Step Canada, is the first blog as part of a series that was originally published on the Social Innovation Generation website.


This series of posts, entitled Sustainability-driven Collaboration builds on lessons learned over years of sustainability-driven transformational change efforts at the organization level and explores the value they can bring to multi-stakeholder collaboration.

In their March 2013 post to the Harvard Business Review Blog, Paul Ellingstad and Charmian Love pointedly asked the question, Is Collaboration the new Greenwashing?

Accelerating for Change: Leading Conference on Sustainability and Collaboration Gaining Momentum

A powerful group of sustainability thought leaders and collaborators are mobilizing to meet in Toronto at the 2nd annual Accelerate: Collaborating for Sustainability Conference on June 5-6. Make sure to register now to secure your participation in this distinct gathering.

We're thrilled to announce Dr. Peter Senge as a keynote speaker, and invite you to explore our recently-posted agenda to learn about many other exciting topics and esteemed presenters. Planned highlights include:

  • The Revolution is Still Necessary! - A keynote presentation by Dr. Peter Senge, moderated by Bob Willard.


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