Bob Willard

Author, The NEW Sustainability Advantage, The Next Sustainability Wave, and The Sustainability Champions Guidebook


Bob is a leading expert on quantifying and selling the business value of corporate sustainability strategies and has given hundreds of keynote presentations to corporate, government, university, and NGO audiences. His four books, two DVDs, business case simulator Dashboard and Worksheets, and extensive master slide set provide capacity-building resources for sustainability champions. He worked 34 years with IBM Canada, “retiring” in 2000. He serves on the advisory boards of The Natural Step (TNS) Canada and Forum for the Future US; is on ad-hoc advisory committees for sustainable business certificate programs at three Ontario colleges and universities; and is a citizen member of the Durham Region Round Table on Climate Change. He was inducted into the International Society of Sustainability Professionals’ Hall of Fame in 2011. He has a PhD in sustainability from the University of Toronto, and is an award-winning Certified B Corp.