Congratulations to the 2014 Clean50 Award Winners

The 2014 Clean50 award winners were honoured on September 26th in Toronto for their outstanding contributions to sustainable development and clean capitalism within Canada. Each year, 50 leaders (either individuals or small teams) are recognized across 16 categories (e.g., Education, Clean Technology, Research & Development) to showcase their work and inspire others to make a difference in our communities.

We congratulate all of the Clean50 honourees for their ceaseless efforts to create a better world for us all. We would like say a special congratulations to Monica Pohlmann, Principal of Monica K Pohlmann & Associates, and Cheeying Ho, Executive Director of the Whistler Centre for Sustainability for being distinguished Clean50 award recipients this year.  Monica currently serves as Chair of the Board for The Natural Step Canada and has played an active role on the Board since 2007. Cheeying is a long-time partner and collaborator with The Natural Step in her past role as the Executive Director of Smart Growth B.C. and current role with the Whistler Centre for Sustainability.

As a sustainability strategist and facilitator, Monica has been leading change and community engagement across Canada for 20 years. Being recognized in the Clean50 category of Consultants for her achievements with The United Way of Calgary’s Leading Boldly Network, she contributes to capacity building in the Calgary area through Collaborative Social Innovation for complex issues that cannot be solved by one organization acting alone.

Cheeying was recognized for her leadership and sustainability efforts in the Clean50 category of Cities. Through her work with the Centre, Cheeying helped to develop a methodology that identifies what is most important to communities. The program has so far engaged and supported citizens in 14 small communities throughout BC and Alberta as they take an active role in creating a community sustainability plan. Cheeying also works with local governments and communities across Canada on the implementation of sustainability initiatives and policy development.

As we celebrate these stories of leadership, we send our deep congratulations to Monica and Cheeying. We are thankful for their ongoing support, friendship, and connection with The Natural Step Canada.

We wish the best to all the Clean50 recipients and nominees, and hope that they continue their vital work that connects and inspires others across our nation.