Few businesses know what a bold sustainability strategy REALLY means: Long-term profitability and resiliency

Over the past 10 plus years, we have been fortunate to be able to get to know a number of businesses and business leaders who are taking a leadership role in sustainability. They do this not only due to their commitment to a better future, but—perhaps more importantly—they feel that sustainability is a real driver of long-term profitability and resiliency. This requires an honest organizational dialogue about its key sustainability challenges and a vision that goes right at the heart of what sustainability means for its core business strategy.

For example, take the Landmark Group of Builders, a medium-sized home builder located in Edmonton, Alberta. One of the key early initiatives that has really driven their sustainability journey was an honest look at how their core business processes were contributing to the degradation of social and ecological systems, including affecting big issues such as climate change, toxicity, and urban sprawl. Although not an easy conversation, this led to adopting a bold vision for the business that charts a course for long-term success for the business and sustainability for the planet.

According to them:

“Landmark’s position for becoming a sustainable builder is not based on emotion, but on sound business principles, economics, and progressive thinking. We believe sustainable building is a mega-trend that significantly improves the quality of our homes and benefits our customers.”

As a result of their strong sustainability vision, Landmark has committed to a number of bold initiatives, including building homes that have net-zero energy use and launching a solar home energy business. Recently they won an Emerald Award for one of their sustainability-inspired innovations that reduces greenhouse gas emissions by a 6.21 tonnes per home and produces 58% less waste in the production process.

“We have learned a great deal from The Natural Step,” says Bijan Mannani, Chief Operating Officer at the Landmark Group of Builders. “Their work has contributed great value to our business, supporting us in defining the business case for sustainability and our long-term success and resiliency. The Natural Step has helped us embrace a bold vision of sustainability for our business and have helped us stick to it and achieve it.” 

At The Natural Step Canada, we are honored and thankful to have had the opportunity over the past few years to work with the great people at Landmark and play an active role in their inspiring sustainability planning. We enjoy sharing their story and the stories of our other partners.

Together, we are helping to achieve a more sustainable and prosperous future.

If you are interested in learning more about our Service Path for Sustainable Business and how we can help your business develop a bold sustainability vision, strategy, and action plan, please contact us or join our next FREE Introduction to Strategic Sustainability for Business in Canada webinar.