Four words to change the world: "I believe in you"

When I recall what prompted me to become a leader for sustainability, I know for sure, it was my mentor at my first job at Wingspan Design. Mike McGuire saw that I cared about people and the planet and he said to me: "You care about the environment, right? Why don’t you develop our environmental policy here?"

I hadn’t really thought about it that much before, but I thought, well yes, I care about the environment. He pointed me to a server file full of resources that he had collected over the years. As I read more into the topic I realized how huge and important sustainability is for me and for everyone. I decided that, yes, this is the cause worth giving my life to.

Mike saw something in me that I didn’t yet see clearly in myself. I knew I wanted to do something good, but he offered me a direction to focus, some resources, and most importantly, his belief in my ability and heart.

In the Emerging Leaders program we find that a lot of our champions get started with us because an adult they respect and trust saw something in them and encouraged them to get involved.

So if you are looking for something easy to do that will make a big difference, just utter four simple words to a young person who you think has great potential:

"I believe in you."

There are a few spaces left in our IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training in Toronto this month. We have an excellent program with on-line learning in advance, two days of expert training in leadership and sustainability project planning, plus four months of follow-up with mentors. To boot, funding is available to support the champions participants in realizing their sustainability dreams.

We are very thankful to our generous coaches and mentors such as Bob Willard, sustainability expert and author; Karen Farbridge, the Mayor of Guelph; Victoria Goodday, an executive at Corporate Knights magazine; and various university professors and sustainability professionals who are donating their time to support future leaders.

Please encourage people aged 19-25 to apply by March 11.

You will make a real difference in their life... and yours.