In collaboration with leaders and experts from industry, government and civil society our teams are working on ‘Five Big Bets’ that have enormous potential to contribute to a clean and prosperous economy, as we collectively develop effective and scalable solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

We live in a time of great uncertainty, complexity, and unprecedented systemic challenges. Addressing complex sustainability challenges requires unprecedented collaboration and new ways of working across sectors and across scales.

The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP) is creating a circular economy in Canada in which plastic waste is kept in the economy and out of the environment. Canada Plastics Pact Partners are united, working together on achieving clear, actionable targets by the year 2025. 


Nike Releases Open-Source Environmental Apparel Design Tool

Sure, it may be a cliche, but if Nike wants the fashion industry to just do it, who are we to argue?

SNAP Ottawa Downtown: The Natural Step Canada Sustainabili-TEA

Have a look at SNAP Ottawa Downtown's article about our 1st Annual Sustainabili-TEA event! Thanks to SNAP Ottawa Downtown for the article.


The Corporate Knights: The Killer Kernel

Corporate Knights Magazine's latest issue features health-related articles. "The Killer Kernel: The skinny on what's expanding our waistlines and crippling our health system", by Toby A.A. Heaps, features a section on Sweden's Max Hamburger, a partner of The Natural Step.

Thanks to Corporate Knights Magazine and Toby A.A. Heaps.


How Max Hamburger took The Natural Step

Since 2003 Max Hamburger, Sweden's oldest and most popular hamburger chain, has tripled its size, quadrupled its revenue, and quintupled its profits.


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