In collaboration with leaders and experts from industry, government and civil society our teams are working on ‘Five Big Bets’ that have enormous potential to contribute to a clean and prosperous economy, as we collectively develop effective and scalable solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

We live in a time of great uncertainty, complexity, and unprecedented systemic challenges. Addressing complex sustainability challenges requires unprecedented collaboration and new ways of working across sectors and across scales.

The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP) is creating a circular economy in Canada in which plastic waste is kept in the economy and out of the environment. Canada Plastics Pact Partners are united, working together on achieving clear, actionable targets by the year 2025. 


"I am here for my children": A participant's story about the Sustainability for Leaders - Level 1 course, Vancouver, BC

Thanks to Michiah Prull for sharing his experience with The Natural Step Canada's Sustainability for Leaders - Level 1: Foundations.

For pictures from the Sustainability for Leaders course - level 1 : Foundations, please click here.


On November 9th and 10th , a large group of professionals gathered in Vancouver to begin a process of becoming sustainability leaders. The participants represented a wide variety of disciplines including professional consulting groups, architectural firms, educational institutions, business associations and various levels of government.  Also present were several individuals with no professional connection to sustainability issues, but who wished to learn more and become involved in future efforts.

Interface to Conduct Life Cycle Analyses on All Products

Modular carpet maker Interface will complete Environmental Product Declarations — detailed documents explaining the life cycle impacts of items — for all of its products by 2012 and challenged other companies to set goals similar to its Mission Zero program.

Interface became the first North American carpet maker to develop an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) last March, and earlier this year it completed EPDs for three more carpet tile lines. EPDs are based on life cycle analyses that look at products from their raw material stage to disposal and are third party certified.

MESSAGE FROM THE CANADIAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: The world is changing, but not fast enough

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of accompanying The Natural Step’s Founder, Dr. Karl-Henrik Robèrt, on a speaking tour around Toronto, which included a keynote presentation at the Canadian Business for Social Responsibility’s 8th Annual Summit. It was an intense series of 9 events in five days, speaking to both businesses and emerging student leaders.

What struck me most were two main things. First, the conversation has changed enormously in five years. Everyone is now talking about sustainability. There is general understanding and agreement that all of the earth’s subsystems—whether you look at forestry, fresh water, topsoil, or biodiversity—are in decline because of unsustainable human activities.


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