In collaboration with leaders and experts from industry, government and civil society our teams are working on ‘Five Big Bets’ that have enormous potential to contribute to a clean and prosperous economy, as we collectively develop effective and scalable solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

We live in a time of great uncertainty, complexity, and unprecedented systemic challenges. Addressing complex sustainability challenges requires unprecedented collaboration and new ways of working across sectors and across scales.

The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP) is creating a circular economy in Canada in which plastic waste is kept in the economy and out of the environment. Canada Plastics Pact Partners are united, working together on achieving clear, actionable targets by the year 2025. 


From Plastics to Prospering Communities: An IMPACT! Story

This blog post was written by Andrew Almack, two time IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training participant and Founder of Plastics for Change.


Our journey started with a trip to Cambodia, a country with heart-wrenching levels of poverty and plastic pollution. Municipalities in this region struggle to manage basic necessities, let alone implement proper waste management systems. Cambodia is not unique in this regard. In developing nations throughout the world, waste management systems cannot keep up with population growth, so plastics fall to the wayside and wind up in our oceans.

En Route to Paris: Shifting Sands in Alberta – the Energy Futures Lab

The article En Route to Paris: Shifting Sands in Alberta – the Energy Futures Lab, written by Chad Park, Executive Director of The Natural Step Canada, was originally published on The JW McConnell Foundation blog.


Six months ago I returned with my wife and our young family to Edmonton after almost 20 years away from Alberta. The motivation behind my homecoming? A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead the Energy Futures Lab, an initiative so timely and relevant that there was no escaping its call.

Jurassic World: A Premonition for Humanity With a Real Bite

“Biological diversity is messy. It walks, it crawls, it swims, it swoops, it buzzes. But extinction is silent, and it has no voice other than our own.” -Paul Hawken

Jurassic World exploded onto the big screens last month, emerging as the second biggest debut in cinema history. Jaw-dropping visuals, spine-tingling action scenes, and nostalgia aside, viewers should take a more serious message from the movie. Within two generations, this could be our future. All biodiversity on earth could be found only in parks or reserves, as seen in Jurassic World.


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