In collaboration with leaders and experts from industry, government and civil society our teams are working on ‘Five Big Bets’ that have enormous potential to contribute to a clean and prosperous economy, as we collectively develop effective and scalable solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

We live in a time of great uncertainty, complexity, and unprecedented systemic challenges. Addressing complex sustainability challenges requires unprecedented collaboration and new ways of working across sectors and across scales.

The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP) is creating a circular economy in Canada in which plastic waste is kept in the economy and out of the environment. Canada Plastics Pact Partners are united, working together on achieving clear, actionable targets by the year 2025. 


University of Waterloo Green Guide

Christian Brum took part in the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program in Guelph in 2012. After participating in the IMPACT! program, Christian went on to create the University of Waterloo Green Guide. Congratulations Christian!


Last September, I met a representative from the Co-operators who introduced me to the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program. I had been looking for an opportunity to make my campus more sustainable at the University of Waterloo, but wasn’t exactly sure how to go about an idea I had. She told me about this program for students such as myself looking to make positive environmental and social change at the local level. She said that applications were being accepted for a two-day training session in Guelph where I’d meet other passionate students from the region who were eager to take action and develop their own project ideas.

Ottawa Citizen: Meet the new generation of politicians

The article Meet the new generation of politicians, authored by The Natural Step Canada's Executive Director Chad Park and Social Innovation Generation's Executive Director Tim Draimin, was originally published in the Ottawa Citizen.


Canadians should take note of the results of the municipal election in Alberta’s capital last week. The new mayor of Edmonton, Don Iveson, inspired Edmontonians with a campaign clearly driven by a compelling vision of what his city is and could be. Iveson is a highly intelligent city councillor, deeply knowledgeable about municipal issues and policy, and an uncommonly effective communicator. He is also 34 years old.

Sustainable Brands - Gold-Standard #SustyGoals: A Dialogue with Bob Willard

The following dialogue between Bill Baue and Bob Willard on the Towards a Gold-standard Benchmark for Sustainable Business project was originally published on


At the third annual Sustainable Brands #NewMetrics Conference at the University of Pennsylvania in September, the need for next-generation sustainability goals — which measure progress toward real-world goal-lines such as carbon budgets, water tables, and living wages  emerged as a key theme. To dig deeper, #NewMetrics channel co-curator Bill Baue discussed this question of “endzone” goals with prominent voices in the field, including Allen White, of the Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings; Andrew Winston, author of the forthcoming book, The Big Pivot; SustainAbility CEO Mark Lee, and others.

Here, we launch the #SustyGoals series with Bob Willard, author of The New Sustainability Advantage, who is spearheading the effort to articulate the Gold-standard Benchmark for sustainable business, in conjunction with The Natural Step Canada.


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