In collaboration with leaders and experts from industry, government and civil society our teams are working on ‘Five Big Bets’ that have enormous potential to contribute to a clean and prosperous economy, as we collectively develop effective and scalable solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

We live in a time of great uncertainty, complexity, and unprecedented systemic challenges. Addressing complex sustainability challenges requires unprecedented collaboration and new ways of working across sectors and across scales.

The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP) is creating a circular economy in Canada in which plastic waste is kept in the economy and out of the environment. Canada Plastics Pact Partners are united, working together on achieving clear, actionable targets by the year 2025. 


Lancement du livret Le développement durable à la maison

Guelph et Ottawa (Ontario), le 8 novembre 2011 – Les Canadiens à l’échelle du pays font des efforts pour être plus respectueux de l’environnement au quotidien. Pour y arriver, ils ont désormais accès au livret Le développement durable à la maison, un nouvel outil mis au point par Co-operators en collaboration avec l’organisme The Natural Step Canada.

The Natural Step – Sustainabili-TEA in Ottawa

Large windows allowing for a flooding of natural light is what graced guests arriving at the Sustainabili-TEA on October 16th at Ottawa City Hall. The venue was an excellent way to bring the outdoors inside and to reflect on what sustainability means in our lives and in our city. The Natural Step successfully united likeminded and forward thinking Ottawa citizens and brought them a few steps closer towards sustainability.

Alberta Sustainability Champions Gear up for Success

On October 13 and 14, nineteen professionals gathered in Edmonton to build their capacity as sustainability practitioners by participating in The Natural Step Canada’s Sustainability for Leaders Course - Level 1: Foundations (join us at the next session coming up in Vancouver).


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