How can our municipal government embrace sustainability and set an example for the community?

Your Challenge:

You recognize the imperative of sustainability and the value that it can bring to your municipal government and the delivery of its programs and services. Your community may have developed an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan and/or made a public commitment to sustainability. Despite having undertaken a variety of initiatives, sustainability is still being viewed among municipal leaders and staff as an “add-on” rather than as “the way we do things around here.”

Outside your organization you also see that sustainability is showing up as an important economic development issue requiring a more comprehensive and strategic commitment. And when it comes to sustainability, community members and stakeholders are demanding that the municipal government lead by example.

Our Response: Embed sustainability into the culture and operations of your municipal corporation

By integrating sustainability into the very fabric of your municipal government, you will demonstrate leadership throughout the community and inspire residents and other stakeholders to help further your sustainability plans. The Natural Step Canada can help your municipal corporation embed sustainability into the following areas: governance; operations and facilities; programs and services; relationships; people and team; and your voice.

The following offerings are available to help you embed sustainability within your municipal organization:

Next: How can we achieve long-term sustainability and resiliency for our community?