IMPACT! Workshop Builds Leadership for Sustainable Change

The blog IMPACT! Workshop Builds Leadership for Sustainable Change written by Sharla Wallace was originally posted on the University of Guelph website. Sharla took part in the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program in Guelph in 2013 and is a master's student in the International Development / Capacity Development & Extension,  M.Sc Candidate 2014.


“Whose got this?!”... “I'VE got this!” was the mantra for the recent IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training held at Innovation Guelph. This workshop attracted students ages 19-25 who are motivated to affect positive change in their communities. Each participant attended with the goal of initiating or further developing their sustainability projects. They came with the intent of seeking support and networking opportunities, partnering with likeminded individuals to share new ideas and common interests. This two-day practical workshop and networking opportunity occurred on November 14-16th with over 50 enthusiastic participants from 19 post-secondary institutions in the province. Out-of-towners were delighted to discover favourite local downtown social venues such as The Albion and the E-bar to further network.

The IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Workshop was co-facilitated by The Natural Step Canada and The Cooperators, who together served up a packed and engaging program of key-panelists, round table discussions, social activities, and networking opportunities. Although the workshop ended, the networking plans are gaining momentum, with many participants continuing the creative idea exchange through the workshop's online platform and social media pages. The energy of the conversations during the workshop renewed a sense of enthusiasm, inspiration, motivation, enlightenment, solidarity and agency among participants. Many communicated their intent to commit to strategic action to address environmental, social and economic challenges for building healthy and resilient communities.

Even though I was one of the few students present at the workshop who had an existing sustainability initiative outside of Canada, I was inspired to re-apply these concepts to the eco-school and microfinance program in Ghana, West Africa. In particular, being among other likeminded students with backgrounds and interests in hydroponics, aquaponics, anthropological ecology, and permaculture initiatives was a powerful reminder that sometimes, all you need is that tiny push of encouragement to take off and fly with your sustainability ideas. As we parted ways on Saturday night, there were plenty of hugs, contact information and parting words exchanged. On the day the conference ended, it was evident that we as participants, had bonded effortlessly, just like old friends who had known one another for a lifetime. Dr. Karl Henrik Robert, Founder of The Natural Step once said, “The question of reaching sustainability is not about if we will have enough energy, food, or other tangible resources...The question is: will there be enough leaders in time?” All of us shared a renewed sense of commitment and vision that we are and will continue to be the leaders that actively promote the concept of sustainable change in our communities.

Written by Sharla Wallace

Source: University of Guelph

Please visit IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program to learn more about the IMPACT! program.