Leadership Skills for Change Agents To Be Taught On-Line By ISSP Sustainability Hall of Fame™ Founding Member Bob Willard

Bob Willard, a leading expert on quantifying and selling the business case for sustainability, and recent inductee into the International Society of Sustainability Professionals Sustainability Hall of Fame™, will conduct a four-week Webinar workshop that will teach how to lead an organizational change to a sustainable enterprise.

In an interactive, on-line workshop to be presented each Monday in November, by the International Society of Sustainability Professionals, Bob Willard will show participants how to connect the dots between timeless leadership practices and how to transform an organization to a sustainability culture.

Willard has given hundreds of keynote presentations to corporate, government, university, and NGO audiences. He applies his business and leadership experience from his 34-year career at IBM Canada to engage the business community in proactively avoiding risks and capturing opportunities associated with environmental and social issues.

The on-line workshop in November will prepare sustainability professionals at any level to effectively lead an organizational change to a sustainable enterprise. Because any change to the status quo must be justified, Willard teaches how to quantify a compelling business case for sustainability strategies.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Confidently and competently lead the integration of sustainability into their organization, using a seven-step sustainability change process.

Build an effective, relevant, compelling business case to support their company’s transformation to being a sustainable enterprise.

Be able to apply effective change leadership practices during the sustainability change process, capitalize on change paradoxes, and avoid potential derailers of their initiatives.

Help others be more effective sustainability champions.

In the workshop, Willard will build upon concepts from the three books he has authored, The Sustainability Advantage (2002), The Next Sustainability Wave (2005), and The Sustainability Champion’s Guidebook (2009). Tools he has developed, including DVDs and an extensive Master Slide Set, provide capacity-building resources for champions of sustainability. They provide quantified business justification for embracing sustainability strategies and proven guidance on how to transform organizations to sustainable enterprises.

Willard was recently inducted as a founding member to the ISSP Sustainability Hall of Fame ™, which was established earlier this year as a way to formally recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of sustainability and to the professionals that serve it. He sits on the advisory boards of The Natural Step Canada, Learning for a Sustainable Future, Durham Sustain Ability, and is a member of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP), Education Alliance for a Sustainable Ontario, and the Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change (DRRCC). Willard is also on the faculties of York University's Sustainable Enterprise Academy and the York University Education and Sustainability Academy. He has a BSc from McGill University (1964), and an MEd (2000) and PhD (2005) from the University of Toronto. See http://www.sustainabilityadvantage.com for more information about Willard and his resources for sustainability champions.

Dates and Costs

The Leadership Skills for Change Agents Workshop will meet on-line for live webinars Mondays (November 7, 14, 21, 28) at 5:00 PM Pacific Time-USA for 60-90 minutes with 24/7 virtual access to a class discussion forum, readings and assignments at the ISSP Learning Center. The cost for the workshop is $450 with Special Discounts: $75 off always for ISSP members and $50 off with Early Bird Discount before November 1, 2011. For more information and to register, click here.

About ISSP

The International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) is the world's leading professional association for sustainability professionals. ISSP is a member-driven association committed to moving the profession of sustainability forward through building strong networks and communities of practice. Formed in 2007, ISSP boasts more than 500 members from every continent in the world. Members share resources and best practices, and professional development. Webinars, Webchats, on-line classes, special reports, resource directories, salary surveys, and a professional competency study are just a sampling of the rich content offered to members. For more information about ISSP and its offerings, please visit http://sustainabilityprofessionals.org.