Sharing and Partnering

For those of us in the field of social change and innovation, a key factor in the success of any initiative, is the ability to scale up impact. After six years of testing and prototyping our approach in Canada with over 200 communities, businesses, universities and non-profit groups we are ready to share our learning and approach with others. We are expanding our reach from working just with organizations, to working with individuals as well. We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new series of courses and learning programs for individual change agents and leaders who are committed to implementing sustainable solutions in their communities and businesses. Check out our Sustainability for Leaders workshops in six major Canadian cities.

Another important factor contributing to the impact of sustainability efforts is the ability to leverage strong partnerships. The Natural Step is committed to partnering with like-minded organizations who are also committed to advancing the practice of sustainability. We are very proud to announce our new partnership with Canadian Business for Social Responsibility to further the strategic impact of both our organizations by collaborating to assist companies to lead move forward with their corporate social responsibility efforts. Please join us at CBSR’s Annual Summit in Toronto in November.


Kelly Hawke Baxter, Executive Director