Message from Executive Director (Canada)

All eyes are now turned to Copenhagen where the world’s leaders are meeting to create a follow up agreement to the Kyoto Protocol which expires in 2012. It’s embarrassing to be a Canadian right now – represented by a federal government that is showing a remarkable lack of leadership in addressing the most serious challenge we face as a global community. I don’t believe the federal government is representing the concerns of Canadian people or the demand for change and leadership that is being demonstrated in businesses and communities across the country.

At The Natural Step we are working with committed leaders in businesses and communities that clearly understand that our current path is unsustainable. They know that climate change is just one of many pressing issues that contribute to our unsustainable relationship with the planet. To solve our sustainability crisis we cannot use the same thinking that got us into this mess. We need to shift our mindsets. We need to change our thinking. We need to reinvent the way we do things – from running our municipalities to manufacturing products to offering services.

The Natural Step helps build the capacity of leaders to understand and embrace the challenge of sustainability. Check out our new video here, which tells you more about what we do, and profiles some of the leaders we have had the privilege of working with.

And take heart in the inspiring stories below. From Olds, Alberta to Morguard to the University of Western Ontario to the Centretown Citizen’s Co-op, leaders in Canadian communities, businesses, students and social service organizations are committed to changing the way we live, work and play.  But we need more leaders and we need to accelerate the shift to a more sustainable society.

As Al Gore says, “We are one people, living on one planet. We have a few short years to change the way we organize and conduct global civilization.” Now that’s a tall order. Leaders in Canadian communities and businesses are ready to embrace the challenge to create a better world for our children.  Join us.