Youth leadership for sustainability at Canada’s Waterlution

The Natural Step Canada is proud to support Waterlution, the “un-conference” of the Canadian Water Innovation Lab this October.   Two hundred and fifty young leaders will learn about Canada’s most pressing water issues using water as the catalyst to talk about larger issues and build cross-sectoral relationships that will lead to long-lasting change toward sustainability.

Waterlution will convene in the province of Alberta, which is a particularly interesting and relevant place to be studying water issues. It is one of the most water stressed regions of Canada – and is home to both pristine glacial headwaters and some major new land developments.  Whether connecting with farmers who depend upon a stable water supply for their livelihood, describing the links between energy needs, tar sands development and water use or watching wetlands being converted into suburban housing, participants won’t just learn about water issues – they will experience them.  

Interested?  Applications are still open for facilitators and participants Read more

The Natural Step is participating in this conference through our newly launched Emerging Leaders Program – which is supporting students who are making the jump from sustainability education to sustainability careers.  We are helping young people to access the education, training, tools and networks needed to become sustainability change agents.  Are you an Emerging Leader interested in partnering with The Natural Step or do you have a program you’d like to link to ours? Read more