The Natural Step — Helping Municipalities and Businesses Achieve Sustainability Goals

Read about Cathy's "eurika" moment as she learned more about The Nautral Step and our work after taking part in a presentation given by Dr.Karl-Henrik Robèrt, in the article she published for BEC Green.


A few weeks ago, a friend invited me to an event at The Toronto French School for an organization called The Natural Step (TNS). I admit that I didn’t know a lot about this group other than they were an environmental organization.  After hearing their founder speak, and doing some more extensive research on the organization I can declare, “Eureka! Here is the answer to my environmental pet peeves!”


The Natural Step was created by Dr. Karl-Henrick Robèrt, an oncologist based in Sweden. In his medical practice he was seeing an increasing number of young cancer patients and given their ages and/or family history, he believed their illness couldn’t be due to genetics alone. He concluded that there had to be an environmental component as well. But instead of shrugging it off, he created a solution in The Natural Step “to promote a unifying framework for social and ecological sustainability based on a scientific consensus.” After testing, refining and implementing the framework (mostly in Canada), TNS now has a presence in 18 countries, helping municipalities and businesses achieve their sustainability goals. To give you some idea of who they work with, Interface, perhaps the most environmentally progressive carpet company in the world is one of their clients; so are Nike, IKEA, and the municipalities of Whistler, BC and Canmore, AB.

Click here to read more.