The Corporate Knights: The Killer Kernel

Corporate Knights Magazine's latest issue features health-related articles. "The Killer Kernel: The skinny on what's expanding our waistlines and crippling our health system", by Toby A.A. Heaps, features a section on Sweden's Max Hamburger, a partner of The Natural Step.

Thanks to Corporate Knights Magazine and Toby A.A. Heaps.


How Max Hamburger took The Natural Step

Since 2003 Max Hamburger, Sweden's oldest and most popular hamburger chain, has tripled its size, quadrupled its revenue, and quintupled its profits.

  • All restaurants are powered by 100 per cent wind energy.
  • All used fry oil is converted into biodiesel.
  • All fish procured from well managed eco-systems (MSC-certified).
  • Product lines have been remade into the healthiest of the industry (by 2005).
  • First fast food restaurant ever to measure carbon impacts of their food from farmer-to-guest and label their menu items with that carbon information.
  • Max has decreased the amount of beef in their patties to 82 per cent. Taste tests show that people like moist patties with multiple layers of flavour.
  • A survey by Mindshare, a global media network, discovered a 27 per cent increase in customer loyalty for Max between 2007 and 2009.


To read more of the Corporate Knights' article, please click here.