This year, give the gift of sustainability

Dear friends,

I am writing to you today to ask for your help in supporting The Natural Step Canada’s important work to accelerate the shift toward sustainability.

Living more sustainably on this earth is an urgent challenge. Businesses, communities, and institutions around the world are rising to the challenge, but not fast enough. What we need now, more than anything, are dynamic leaders who can lead the shift toward a more sustainable world.

For the past six years, The Natural Step Canada has been working to build sustainability into the leadership and fabric of forward-thinking companies and communities that have the power to move entire sectors toward a new model—a model that is good for the environment, good for society, and good for business.

We are pleased to announce that we are now scaling up our work with Emerging Leaders. Directed at college and university students, our Emerging Leaders Program provides the next generation of sustainability leaders with the tools, training, and practical work experience they need to become inspiring, passionate, and effective champions for a better world.

“The Natural Step has helped me think about sustainability in a much clearer, more strategic way. I will use my training throughout my career in the sustainability field to not only frame my own thinking, but to educate and inspire others to act, as well.”
-- Emerging Leaders Program graduate

But we cannot do this without your support...

As a charitable organization, The Natural Step Canada relies on grants and donations to support our education programs with students, communities, and non-governmental organizations. This year, we invite you to join us in supporting long-term, lasting sustainability, by making a financial gift to The Natural Step Canada.

By supporting The Natural Step Canada with a monthly gift, you are ensuring that we can continue to deeply engage emerging sustainability leaders across the country.

If you cannot become a monthly donor now, but would still like to support our work, please make a one-time contribution today.

Give a gift of hope for a more sustainable world this holiday season!

Instead of giving more stuff, please give a donation to The Natural Step Canada in honour of your family, friends, teachers, pets, and co-workers. When making your contribution online, you can choose to dedicate your donation in honour of a loved one. If you are mailing a cheque, please include the name of the person and their mailing address. Either way, we will happily send them a special card on your behalf.

All contributions are tax deductible, and you can donate securely online or by mailing us a cheque made out to:

The Natural Step Canada
203-4 Florence Street
Ottawa, ON  K2P 0W7

Thank you for your support and for helping us create a better tomorrow, today.


Kelly Hawke Baxter
Executive Director
The Natural Step Canada