The Next Sustainability Wave: Building Buy-In and the Business Case with Bob Willard :: March 16 (Ottawa, ON)

The Natural Step Canada is pleased to support The Champions in Sustainability Speaker Series in The Next Sustainability Wave: Building Buy-In and the Business Case.

Who should attend?

Organizations of all sizes from the private and public sectors often have corporate goals and sustainability initiatives that don’t seem to connect into one inspiring vision that would engage their stakeholders. In this presentation, Bob Willard outlines a compelling business case for integrating sustainability strategies throughout organizations. He identifies awakened market forces that could jeopardize a company’s reputational value if it fails to be more environmentally and socially responsible, and quantifies potential bottom-line benefits from operating more sustainably, even in an economic recession. Building on his first book “The Sustainability Advantage”, Bob takes an even more in-depth look at how sustainability can – and will – transform the way we do business.

When and where will it take place?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Algonquin College Restaurant International
1385 Woodroffe Ave, Building H100

Networking: 11:30 a.m.
Lunch: 12:00 p.m.
Speaker: 12:30 p.m.

Click here to register

Tickets: $50 + HST (includes $2 to offset carbon emitted by your attendance) or $48 + HST (without carbon offsets)
Student price: $27 + HST
Table of 8: $375 + HST (includes carbon offsets)
Parking Information:  Parking for this event is available in Lot 4 directly outside of the Restaurant (Building H).  Overflow parking is available in Lot 10.  Please click here for a campus map with Lots 4 and 10 highlighted. Please note that all other parking lots are reserved for permit holders only and that parking restrictions will be enforced

About the speaker:

Bob Willard is a leading expert on the business value of corporate sustainability strategies and has given hundreds of keynote presentations to corporate, government, university, and NGO audiences. Bob applies business and leadership development experience from his 34-year career at IBM Canada to engage the business community in proactively avoiding risks and capturing opportunities associated with sustainability issues.

Bob is on the faculties of the  Sustainable Enterprise Academy and the Education and Sustainability Academy; is on the advisory boards of The Natural Step Canada. For more information on Bob Willard, please click here.

This is a Zero Carbon and Zero Waste event.

More about the Champions in Sustainability Speaker Series:

Taking place on campus, the series will address the need to fuel the groundswell of sustainability initiatives in the National Capital Region and provide a forum for advancing the dialog on sustainability. Business, government and education leaders will be challenged to their visions of the future as they strive to encompass environmental stewardship, social justice and equity and economic performance and stability in their daily operations.

This unique series is part of our ongoing commitment to creating a sustainable campus for a sustainable future.

Click here to register