The Globe and Mail: Leading Thinkers on Corporate Responsibility - Bob Willard

Bob Willard—speaker, author of resources for sustainability champions, and a member of The Natural Step Canada's Board of Directors—was recently featured by The Globe and Mail in a series of videos as part of their commentary on leading thinkers on corporate responsibility. You can visit Bob Willard's website and blog at for a wealth of sustainability wisdom. 


The business case for doing good

Bob Willard, author of The Sustainability Advantage, left IBM to become a corporate responsibility advocate. He argues corporate responsibility is no longer about doing the right thing, but rather the smart thing to drive profits and attract workers.



Does saving the world mean learning jargon?

Bob Willard sells the cause to corporations using familiar words. "I think we need to clean up our language," he says of sustainability efforts. "We need to talk the language of business."




white hair help create corporate change?

Bob Willard believes he can engage corporations on the subject easier than activists can. "My business background is my biggest asset," he says. "And I've got white hair."



Thanks to The Globe and Mail for producing the videos and you can visit their website for more commentary on Leading Thinkers on Corporate Sustainability.