The Natural Step – Sustainabili-TEA in Ottawa

Large windows allowing for a flooding of natural light is what graced guests arriving at the Sustainabili-TEA on October 16th at Ottawa City Hall. The venue was an excellent way to bring the outdoors inside and to reflect on what sustainability means in our lives and in our city. The Natural Step successfully united likeminded and forward thinking Ottawa citizens and brought them a few steps closer towards sustainability.

Although there were many tasty snacks at the afternoon tea, pastries and cupcakes did not avert attention away from the grand picture and the reason for the gathering. We conversed about sustainability in business and in our private lives over scrumptious scones from The Sconewitch, deliciously blended teas provided by David’s Tea and possibly the best bite-sized cupcakes I have ever had, handcrafted by A Teaspoon of Vanilla. The ultimate goal was reached as guests read and listened to success stories and re-imagined a more proactive and sustainable future.

My table was graced by the company of Chad Park, one of the founding members of The Natural Step Canada. We were moved by his story of struggle in his earlier years and the positive and negative steps that brought him to where he is today. Chad realized that in order for our society to be sustainable, there needs to be a paradigm shift, and soon! And so he moved forward to educate young people, professionals and corporations about the necessity of environmental and cultural sustainability. We must think critically about the decisions and purchases we make and how they affect the planet as a whole. 

The focus of the afternoon was on the Emerging Leaders program and how the Natural Step trains and mentors students “to make the transition from sustainability education to sustainability careers.”  The manager of the program, Anouk Bertner strives to “unleash the passionate competence in young people to be sustainability champions and to be catalysts towards a sustainable society.” Ultimately, the goal is to create a sustainability movement.

The Sustainabili-TEA was fun and lighthearted even though we were talking about some very real and difficult problems with our society. I believe that each individual left that event on Sunday and continued to think about what sustainability means and how it can fit and become a larger part of our lives. Thanks to The Natural Step Canada and Erika Aruja for planning and overseeing the event.

If you were not able to attend the event and would like to make a donation to The Natural Step Canada click here.

Written by: Liz Rembelos