Thompson's Daily Insurance News Service: Co-operators giving guidance on ‘greening’ their homes

An article was recently featured in Thompson's Daily Insurance News Service highlighting the recent launch of a new free sustainability toolkit, Sustainability at Home: Decision making help for your everyday choices developed by The Co-operators and The Natural Step Canada.


The Co-operators, in partnership with The Natural Step Canada, is offering guidance to Canadians on how to lead more sustainable lifestyles.

Sustainability at Home: Decision making help for your everyday choices,’ helps Canadians identify opportunities to ‘green’ their homes in a way that works within the capacity of nature to sustain us over the long term.

“We’re committed to our vision of being a catalyst for a sustainable society and this toolkit is one of the ways we’re helping Canadians make a difference,” The Co-operators president and ceo Kathy Bardswick said,.

“It’s a very comprehensive document that brings together a wealth of information and provides a framework for evaluating and improving the impact of your family’s lifestyle on the well-being of our communities and the natural environment.”

Natural Step Canada executive director Kelly Hawke Baxter said: “By using the new Sustainability at Home toolkit, Canadian homeowners and tenants can make strategic decisions to advance sustainability in their homes, save money, and create a healthier living space for their families.”

“We applaud The Co-operators for once again demonstrating its leadership and commitment to helping Canadians lead more sustainable lives.”

The toolkit is available for download free at