The Sustainability Champion’s Guidebook: How to Transform your Company

Bob Willard, a long-time supporter, partner and board member of The Natural Step, has published a new book - The Sustainability Champion’s Guidebook: How to Transform your Company. The book is available now from New Society Publishers in both print and as an ebook.

Bob is an expert on leadership, culture change, and organisational development and author of two previous books - The Sustainability Advantage and The Next Sustainability Wave. These first volumes made a compelling business case for embracing sustainability. His latest book details lessons learned about cultural transformation and provides guidance on how to imbed sustainability into corporate cultures.

This practical, easy-to-follow guidebook helps sustainability champions at any level in a company lead a transformation to a smarter, more successful, and more sustainable enterprise. The Sustainability Champion’s Guidebook outlines the transformational steps to take, tips and techniques to use, and derailers to avoid.

More information about Bob Willard, his books, and his other resources for sustainability champions is available at

What others are saying:

Bob Willard has written a stunning compilation of experience-based wisdom: his and that of other leaders who have done real things to work towards organizational change and sustainability in business. The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook is spot on for all levels of an organization, from high-level vision right down to individual, personal behavior. Read this book to jump-start or speed your journey to a better future.
― Ray Anderson, Founder and Chairman, Interface Inc., and author of Mid-Course Correction

If you don’t understand the big system on which your own organization is dependent, you are probably not a leader. To step up to leadership requires competence rather than a change of values. Most people would like more skills on managing innovation, mitigating risk, and community building to address the dominant unsustainability challenges of our time.  Bob Willard doesn’t turn to those who still haven’t got it but to those who need to know how to get on with it ― from envisioning to structuring, through elegant transition processes, all in an easy-to-get hands-on manual.  It’s the best out there.
― Karl-Henrik Robèrt, Founder of The Natural Step and author of The Natural Step Story