Phase II: How do we capture this value?

Your Challenge:

Your company has explored the case for sustainability and see that a strategic commitment to sustainability can generate tremendous value for your business. But with so many complex decisions to make next, you lack a clear plan for moving forward. You’re asking “How do we capture this value?”

Our Response:

The Natural Step Canada will work with your business to answer this question via three interrelated initiatives:

  • Readiness & Baseline Assessment

    Conducting a current baseline sustainability performance assessment for your business using the framework for strategic sustainable development, as well as an organizational sustainability readiness assessment

  • Vision, Strategic Goals

    Facilitating an engagement process to articulate a robust sustainability vision and strategic goals for your company, aligned with the framework for strategic sustainable development

  • Road Map & Prototyping

    Facilitating an engagement process to develop a short-term implementation plan, including initiatives related to governance & leadership, products & services, culture, brand & communications, and operations

Other activities at this stage may include scans of leading-edge sustainability practices, facilitation training, the use of benchmarking software, and access to a diversity of sustainability experts and practitioners.

Establishing a Sustainability Champions Group

Although each organization is unique, this phase generally entails the creation of a Sustainability Champions Group within your organization. Empowered by senior leadership, this group would participate in capacity-building and strategic-planning workshops and lead key stakeholder engagements.

Senior leaders are encouraged to be engaged throughout the process and will be asked to make a “go/no go” decision on both the vision and the implementation road map.

Next: How do we embed sustainability into our organization?

If your business has completed readiness and baseline assessments, developed a sustainability vision and strategic goals, and have a clear implementation plan, visit how to embed sustainability into your organization