Phase III: How do we embed sustainability into our organization?

Your Challenge:

You have a clear understanding of your current performance, a robust sustainability vision, and a well-defined implementation plan. You are now seeing the initial results from taking a strategic commitment to sustainability such as cost savings and better relations with stakeholders.

You are excited about the value-creating potential of your plan, but need support in moving it forward. You’ve made great strides, but want to further embed sustainability into the fabric of your organization. 

Our Response:

The Natural Step Canada has a wide range of services, partners, and tools to support your organization's sustainability journey in the following key areas of focus:

  • Governance & Leadership:

    • Embedding key performance indicators into business-planning cycles, decision-making systems, and performance-management systems
    • Providing leadership coaching via our network of corporate sustainability leaders
  • Products & Services:

    • Assessing the sustainability impacts in your products and service lifecycles
    • Facilitating multi-stakeholder workshops to address product and service impacts from a systems perspective
  • Culture:

    • Designing materials for intimate sustainability dialogues
    • Facilitation training for sustainability champions to engage staff and stakeholders
  • Communications:

    • Partnering with The Natural Step Canada in a community initiative to increase your organization's sustainability profile
    • Collaborating with our partners to add your company's voice to the growing sustainability movement
  • Operations:

    • Facilitating employee action-planning workshops to reduce resource use
    • Developing sustainable procurement and supply chain strategies

Help your business become a sustainability leader!

Learn more about our Service Path for Sustainable Business and discuss how The Natural Step Canada can help take your company's sustainability journey to the next level. Contact us at info(at)