How can we achieve long-term sustainability and resiliency for our community?

Your Challenge:

You recognize that sustainability is one of the greatest challenges of our time and that it will require unprecedented collaboration among municipal governments, local businesses, community groups, and other organizations in order to create the kind of future we want for ourselves, our neighbours, and future generations.

How can you effectively engage citizens and community stakeholders in a dialogue about creating a desirable and sustainable future for their community and develop a long-term plan that provides strategic direction and actions to achieve that future?

Our Response: Develop a comprehensive and integrated plan to guide your community toward sustainability

The Natural Step Canada’s unique Integrated Community Sustainability Planning (ICSP) approach is designed to engage the community in a process to address the challenges of sustainability and to plan for a desirable and sustainable future.

An Integrated Community Sustainability Plan is a big picture, holistic strategy that provides guidance for the entire community and is used to guide the development or alignment of all municipal plans, policies, and decisions (e.g. official community plan, transportation plan, energy plan, etc.), under one integrated decision-making framework.

Our Services and Free Resources:

The following offerings are available to help your community with Integrated Community Sustainability Planning:

The Centre for Sustainability and The Natural Step Canada are excited to announce a new joint service offering: the QuickStart ICSP. If you’re a small- to medium-sized community, our QuickStart ICSP process is just the right thing for you! This new approach offers an easy, cost-effective way to get your community up and running with a sustainability plan, complete with on-the-ground actions and implementation tools in 6-8 months. With a QuickStart ICSP, you can lead your process with confidence, knowing you’re building on best practices already developed and implemented across Canada. For more information, please download our QuickStart ICSP brochure today!

Case Studies:

Please see the following case studies about our award-winning ICSP work:



Next: How can we empower community stakeholders to lead change toward sustainability?