The Natural Step Canada/UWO co-op student profile: Emma Savage

The Environment Network

As the final component of the Masters of Environment and Sustainability (MES) Program from the University of Western Ontario, I completed a co-op placement with the Environment Network (EN) in Collingwood, ON. The work of the Environment Network focuses on facilitating a transformation towards sustainability within the community, municipal governments, and local businesses. My internship focused on the development of a Strategic Sustainability Plan following The Natural Step’s ABCD planning process. Since sustainability is deeply embedded into the programming, operation and culture of the organization, my role was to ensure the EN not only follows the Principles of Sustainability, but moves forward making strategic decisions and partnerships that foster positive impact in the community and sustain the organization.

The Sustainability Strategic Plan is still under development, being created with the contributions of all EN staff members and the guidance of Anouk Bertner and Karen Miller from The Natural Step (TNS). In addition, as part of my placement, I was given the responsibility of developing a new service to facilitate and train local organizations on how to integrate sustainability and ‘green’ their businesses. Lastly, along with all staff members, I shared the responsibility of regular office administration and store sales. Throughout the summer, I was given the opportunity to participate in various roles within the organization, providing help and input on a variety of projects. As an unofficial assistant to the EN Executive Director, I was able to join her on many community meetings, outreach events, act as a workshop facilitator, and attend educational seminars.

Working for the Environment Network, has provided me with numerous opportunities to apply and develop the knowledge gained throughout the MES academic program. I am fortunate to have had the TNS assistance from Anouk and Karen throughout the summer- their experience and resources was very valuable during the strategic planning process. It is my pleasure to be continuing with the EN, working for an organization with diverse sustainability programming and an enthusiastic staff in a beautiful community.