IMPACT! Sustainability Champions inspired to turn ideas into concrete action for change in Vancouver

Thank you to Adrienne McCurdy, our storyteller, for capturing this story and photos during the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program in Vancouver.


"Capital isn't so important in business. Experience isn't so important. You can get both these things. What is important is ideas. If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life."
— Harvey Firestone

Two weeks ago, 39 university students (aged 19-25) from diverse academic backgrounds gathered in CityStudio Vancouver to explore their ideas and learn how to make them actionable. These were not just any ideas. Rather, the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training Workshop sparked conversations that led to a deeper understanding of sustainability, The Natural Step framework, the co-operative business model, and how to develop their ideas into concrete projects.

Arguably, some of the greatest assets younger generations can apply to the sustainability challenge are a fresh perspective and the passion to follow through on ideas. Just as a seed needs the right conditions to grow and flourish, IMPACT! aims to provide youth the necessary support through a 2-day workshop, practical project development tools, on-going mentorship, a community of practice, and the IMPACT! Fund.

The workshop was generously sponsored and designed by The Co-operators and The Natural Step Canada, as part of their shared vision to build the capacity of youth to become more empowered change agents. Further support was provided by the presenters and dialogue hosts, including; Josh Snider and Tamara Connell, The Natural Step Canada; Barbara Turley-McIntyre and Carol Hunter, The Co-operators; Lena Soots, CityStudio; Phil Baudin, Modo – The Car Co-op; Kate Dunford, Vancity; Rachel Moscovich, The City of Vancouver; Chris Jameson, KPMG Canada; David Cameron, RADIUS at Beedie School of Business; Katja Macura, Katja Macura Consulting; Peter Ladner, Simon Fraser University Centre for Dialogue; and Allyson Clark, Deloitte.

During the workshop, the students explored sustainability concepts through industry presentations and dialogues, collaborative processes, a networking event, roundtable discussions, and project planning support. These sessions provided the platform for participants and hosts to learn from each other.

At the networking event on Friday night, several IMPACT! alumni shared their project success stories with the crowd. Britney Myers and Alexander Moscrip, who aim to create a locally-based café called Quality Thyme Café shared how the on-going mentorship support provided them with access to resources which were essential in moving their project forward; such as industry connections, possibility of funding and a solid understanding of project planning. Alyssa Kostello, from NOW! Theatre said; “My project would not be where it is now if I hadn’t done the IMPACT! program.”

When asked what they enjoyed about the experience, many participants shared their excitement to be in a room brimming with passionate individuals and to be inspired by projects already implemented. Others were enlivened by the opportunity to engage in discussions with people knowledgeable in business, sustainability and social impact. Overall the students expressed a sense of being energized and empowered to take the next steps in their journey towards bringing their gifts into the world. One participant, David Acuna, shared his insight that we need to “empower people in order to reach large-scale transformations.” Then he got started right away by creating a fundraising campaign for charity: water.

Based on the number of smiling faces, the deep-felt connections and the overwhelming sense that change is possible; these two days together held a deeper significance to the youth than just one blog can express. Ideas sparked, connections were made, and projects took another evolutionary step forward.

It’s still too early to say what will come out of this last workshop in Vancouver. However, one thing is certain: Keep your eyes out for the IMPACT! alumni, as they are sure to make ripples in whatever it is that they choose to do.

Written by: Adrienne McCurdy

Learn more about the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program, including our upcoming sessions across Canada, or contact us at jsnider(at) or 613.748.3001 x230 to get involved.