Please support Masters level education in Strategic Sustainable Development

In the small town of Karlskrona, Sweden, young leaders from around the world gather every September to begin a Masters program in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. The course is based around The Natural Step Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, and it turns passionate students into empowered change agents for a better world.

Over the past few years, alumni and friends of this unique program have contributed to StratLeade Sustainability Education, a non-profit whose mandate is to support the MSLS program. These donations have built a base of financial support that enables StrateLeade to offer financial support that brings diverse groups of students from all over the world to Sweden to earn this one-of-a-kind Master's degree, enabling them to be highly effective sustainability leaders. More than 300 graduates are working around the world to address the many sustainability challenges we face, focusing on upstream solutions that prevent the unintended and/or undesirable side effects (toxics, climate change, labour exploitation, etc.) that so gravely threaten the ecological and social systems that we depend on.

This fall, Sweden began charging tuition fees of $15,000 to international students. By Western standards, that may not sound like much for tuition, but it represents an insurmountable barrier to most people in the world. To preserve the diversity that makes the program so effective, we must increase our fundraising efforts beyond the immediate alumni community.

If you have the means, please consider making a donation to StratLeade to support the Masters program in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability.

For more information about the MSLS program, please visit: