Pratt & Whitney Launches 2025 Sustainability Goals to Be Achieved by Its 100th Anniversary

Demonstrates its Global Record of Sustainability Leadership, Achievement and Commitment

The Natural Step Canada would like to congratulate Pratt & Whitney, parent company to our partner Pratt & Whitney Canada, on publishing aggressive sustainability goals to be reached by its 100th anniversary, in 2025. These goals are inspired in part from excellent sustainability work done by Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC). The Natural Step Canada is proud to have been providing our Sustainable Business services to P&WC since 2011. Learn more about our work with Pratt & Whitney Canada and their sustainability journey here.


Pratt & Whitney launched aggressive goals today to further improve the sustainability of its factories, suppliers and products by 2025 and increase efficiencies, create added value for its customers and employees, and lead industry efforts to reduce aviation's environmental impact. Pratt & Whitney is a United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX) company.

Pratt & Whitney's global sustainability goals for 2025 – the company's 100-year anniversary – focus on Waste, Energy, Water, Safety & Wellness, Materials, Suppliers and Products. The company's sustainability improvements to date demonstrate a record of leadership, achievement and commitment.

"Pratt & Whitney is proud of its environmental leadership. We will be unmatched in sustainability. Our goal is to be the aerospace sustainability leader," said David Hess, president, Pratt & Whitney. "At Pratt & Whitney, sustainability means integrating environmental and social issues into the business model as part of our commitment to customers, employees and the communities where we live and work. Simply put, we do well by doing good."

The 2025 goals and Pratt & Whitney's achievements to reduce its environmental impact are:

Waste: In our factories, we will have Zero Waste – 100 percent recycled.

[Results to date: Since 2006, P&W has reduced its total industrial process waste by 30 percent, or 14 million pounds. A garbage truck can hold 22,000 pounds of waste – picture a reduction of 650 garbage trucks full of waste.]

Energy: Energy use will be optimized. We will reduce greenhouse gases by 80 percent.

[Results to date: Since 2006, P&W has reduced greenhouse gases by 30 percent in its factories – 232,000 metric tons of CO2 (the equivalent of taking more than 45,000 cars off the road). P&W also reduced air emissions from chemicals by 60 percent or 117,000 pounds (equivalent to the volume contained in 100 hot air balloons filled with noxious gases)].

Water: None wasted, especially in water-scarce areas. We will reduce consumption by 80 percent.

[Results to date: Since 2006, P&W has reduced water use by 39 percent or 368 million gallons. This is equivalent to nearly 15 million 10-minute showers.]

Safety & Wellness: Our employees will be injury-free and we will have best-in-class wellness programs.

[Results to date: P&W has an outstanding record of achievement in developing measureable programs to improve safety, reduce injuries, and promote wellness. Since 2006, P&W has decreased injury rates by 57 percent.]

Materials: We will ensure our engines are 100 percent recyclable at the end of their life. Our products will maximize the amount of recycled or reverted metals and contain no materials of concern.

[Results to date: For more than 15 years, Pratt & Whitney has actively pursued reductions in the use of materials of concern in its products and factories that could negatively impact the environment and successfully executed a technology plan to develop green alternative materials. Our manufacturing processes will be green.]

Suppliers: Our suppliers will have world class safety rates, will meet aggressive resource conservation targets and will be 100 percent green certified.

[Results to date: P&W suppliers are required to follow a code of conduct that includes resource conservation, ethics, labor guidelines and safe workplace requirements.]

Products: Our engines will be the most fuel efficient and quietest on the market.

[Results to date: P&W is well on its way to meeting that goal with its exclusive Geared Turbofan™ technology that provides up to 16 percent reduction in fuel burn compared with other modern engines – plus significantly lower emissions, noise and maintenance cost. The PurePower® engine family cuts carbon emissions by 3,000 tonnes per aircraft per year (equal to the effect of planting more than 700,000 trees), reduces aircraft noise footprints by 50 to 75 percent (operating 15 to 20dB below today's most stringent standard – ICAO Stage 4), and will surpass the most stringent standards (CAEP/6) by 50 percent for nitrogen oxides (NOx).]

Pratt & Whitney has invested almost $60 million in more than 800 environmental projects since 2006 and demonstrates its leadership in global sustainability through its innovative products and services. Pratt & Whitney collaborates with suppliers and communities to reduce its global environmental footprint and increase natural resource efficiencies in its factories.

Pratt & Whitney's sustainability leadership has been recognized numerous times at its facilities around the globe with awards such as:

  • Pratt & Whitney's LEED-certified green facilities globally include: Platinum – Shanghai Engine Center; Gold – Turkish Engine Center, East Hartford G Building; Silver – Axon Puerto Rico, Mirabel (Canada); Certified – Reszsow Aeropower (Poland), Chengdu Office (China).
  • Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Green Circle Award in 2009, 2010 and 2011 for major environmental achievements at its East Hartford facility in the US.
  • Pratt & Whitney won the 2013 American Heart Association's Platinum Award for being a Fitness-Friendly Worksite.
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada was named sustainable supplier of the year by Bombardier in 2011.
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada President John Saabas won the 2013 CEO Sustainable Development Award for visionary leadership and best practices from Quebec publication, Les Affaires.

Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, auxiliary and ground power units and small turbojet propulsion products. United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Connecticut, is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the building and aerospace industries. For updates from United Technologies Corp.'s aerospace businesses visit or follow @UTC on Twitter.

Source: Pratt & Whitney