Sustainability Redefined: Dormant Wells to Geothermal

"When I started working in the oil and gas industry, I was shocked to hear of all the dormant infrastructure and the untapped potential. It seemed odd. It seemed like a waste. Now I see this problem as an opportunity for business and a way to transition our energy system."

Alison Thompson - Fellow of TNS Canada’s Energy Futures Lab and an entrepreneur behind Borealis Geopower


By redefining how people and organizations understand sustainability, The Natural Step helps transform problems into opportunities.

Since its inception, we have been helping people redefine their understanding of “sustainability.” The resulting innovations are helping drive us toward a future in which businesses and communities thrive within nature’s limits.

Our Sustainability Transition Labs are where a growing network of innovators and influencers come together to learn from each other, solve complex problems, and create the new technologies, partnerships, policies, and business practices that the future requires.



This important work cannot continue without your contribution. Help support sustainability paradigm shifts like Alison’s by making a donation to The Natural Step Canada, telling your story of Sustainability Redefined, and challenging your family, friends, and colleagues to do the same.