Take in a Little PATCH of This World

NOW! Theatre is pleased to present the world premiere of Patch, written and directed by Alyssa Kostello, an alumni of the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training Program (a collaborative project of The Natural Step Canada and The Co-operators), and recipient of 2 grants from The Co-operators IMPACT! Fund.

Inspired by the real life Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the effects it’s having on the albatross, Patch is a physical fantasy play that explores themes of isolation and waste. It runs in Vancouver on August 15-17 and in Victoria on August 22-31 (details below).

Alby is searching for the cause behind the mysterious deaths of her family members when she crash lands on a giant island of floating garbage. There she meets Debra, a 1950’s woman, and Little Drew, a garbage creature who live on the island. Both fascinated and disgusted by her new surroundings, Alby attempts to overcome her culture shock and find a way to help her family. Dealing with themes of isolation and waste, two radically different cultures collide in this new fun and relevant play.

NOW! Theatre’s production of Patch will immerse you into a fascinating world that is surreal, yet very real at the same time. Exploring the effects of materialism and the throw away lifestyle that began in the 1950’s and continues to exist today, as well as the effects this lifestyle has on others, NOW! Theatre’s aim is to encourage communication and create connections for the actors and the audience.

From NOW! Theatre’s mandate:

“We create and produce theatre and performances that are evocative, exploratory, and sustainable in either theme or practice—whether that be environmental, social, or personal sustainability. In all projects, we strive for excellence, professionalism, truth, and genuine human connection.”

Patch runs at the Waterfront Theatre in Vancouver from August 15-17, and at the Roxy Theatre in Victoria from August 22-31. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.nowtheatre.ca or e-mail nowtheatrevancouver@gmail.com.

Learn more about the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program, or contact us at jsnider(at)naturalstep.ca or 613.748.3001 x5230 to get involved.