The Natural Step Announces its NEW Advanced Sustainability for Leaders Course (Early Bird Registration Deadline June 1)

The Natural Step Canada is thrilled to unveil its NEW Sustainability for Leaders: Level 2 Practitioners course, appearing for the first time this summer in Banff, Alberta. Building off the success of its predecessor, the more advanced Sustainability for Leaders: Level 2 Practitioners course is geared toward experienced sustainability professionals, managers, analysts, executives, academics and consultants who want to deepen their learning, refine their application of strategic sustainable development and enhance their ability to integrate sustainability meaningfully into organizations. Early bird registrations are currently being accepted. Space is limited.

The course will be held on July 11, 12 and 13, 2011 in Banff, Alberta.

"We've heard countless requests from experienced sustainability professionals across Canada who are thirsty for a clear, practical, science-based approach to organizational sustainability and we feel that we have an exceptional curriculum and faculty that will guide and support them in achieving just that,” said Emily Briggs, Manager of The Exchange and Sustainability Learning Programs, The Natural Step Canada. “We're very excited to launch the new more advanced course and we expect that it will sell out quickly.”

The Natural Step Canada’s Sustainability Learning courses are designed to enable individuals to develop the knowledge, skills, and tools to make transformational sustainability changes in their organizations and empower them to accelerate the change toward a sustainable Canada. Valued for their rich content, inspiring facilitators and interactive design, the courses are a proven way for participants to plunge deeply into sustainability planning, hone their leadership skills and begin applying the knowledge to transform businesses, communities, and other organizations.

For more information about the courses and how to register, please visit our Sustainability for Leaders Course - Level 2 webpage.