The Natural Step Exchange Announces Content Partnerships

The Natural Step Exchange has partnered with The Green Interview and Share The Wheel, two Canadian content providers, to showcase the latest sustainability innovations and activities going on in Canada. The partnerships are the most recent addition to The Exchange’s new online platform designed to enhance the connectivity of sustainability professionals across Canada and encourage their collaboration.
The Green Interview features renowned host Silver Donald Cameron engaging in intense, searching conversations with the thinkers, artists and leaders who are shaping a sustainable future. "Human beings face one crisis with many faces,” said Mr. Cameron. "Creating a common cultural mythology, bringing together a whole range of perspectives on these issues, is what The Green Interview is all about. We're delighted to be partners with this distinguished array of like-minded individuals and organizations."

Share the Wheel is a site dedicated to highlighting and cataloguing municipal sustainability plans across Canada. “With limited resources and time in the day it only makes sense to use best practices rather than re-inventing the wheel,” said Don Grant, Founder of Share the Wheel.  "The site is organized by municipality, so members can easily review documents and tools from across Canada. There are so many great sustainability programs and plans in communities across Canada that can be reviewed and adapted by others.”

The Natural Step Exchange is a unique network for sustainability practitioners and leaders who want to learn, share, and connect with others to accelerate the change toward a sustainable Canada. Valued for its capacity to forge new connections, encourage collaborations and provide indispensable support to its members, The Exchange has proven to be an essential resource for those looking to raise their level of awareness of other sustainability activities in Canada.
For more information about content partnerships, contact Emily Briggs, Manager, The Exchange and Sustainability Learning Programs at The Natural Step Canada.