Sustainability Toolkits

The Natural Step Canada develops practical and well-researched sustainability toolkits, guidebooks, and thought leadership reports on issues that matter. We publish and disseminate them widely to sustainability practitioners across Canada and around the world for FREE.

The Natural Step’s Toolkits for Sustainability have been created to share best practices based on our work with thousands of corporations, municipalities, academic institutions and not-for-profit organizations around the world. Our partners and clients have proven that moving strategically toward sustainability leads to innovation, new opportunities, reduced costs, and dramatically reduced ecological and social impacts.

The challenge to all of us is to inspire and become the sustainability champions that are needed to lead this change and create a better tomorrow. Please help us accelerate change toward sustainability by downloading, reading, and sharing our free toolkits widely today!

Please also consider making a donation to The Natural Step Canada to ensure that we can continue making these toolkits available to you and other sustainability practitioners around the world.

Sustainability Redefined: Disrupting Business as Usual

We’ve heard it all before. Business needs to get on-board with sustainability.

A study published in 2017 on Changing Consumer Behaviour shows that ”Consumers are no longer interested in the dichotomy between the environment and the economy,” they don’t feel they should have to choose.

Rather, they should be able to have both. Many businesses have begun to make changes; however, these need to stem from a true science-based understanding of sustainability to drive real transformation and disrupt the “business-as-usual” mentality.

The Question Is, Are Most Companies Doing Enough?

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Click here to download (200KB)

Amazing Neighbourhoods: Engagement and Sustainability Planning Guide (National Version)

This updated guide is meant for anyone seeking to engage and collaborate with their neighbours and neighbourhood stakeholders to make their neighbourhood an amazing place to live, work, and play. The National guide includes new tools and resources and an Amazing Neighbourhoods network where you can hear how people are using this and other resources. Amazing neighbourhoods create conditions for people to meet their needs, to enjoy fulfilling, decent and respectful lives while enhancing the ecological, social and economic conditions of the neighbourhood.

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Click here to download (5 MB)

Awesome Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable Edmonton

In May 2012, The Natural Step, with the support of many leading organizations in Edmonton, hosted a “Dialogue on Sustainability and Prosperity in Edmonton” attended by 50 leading citizens in Edmonton. At this gathering we heard 7 clear messages:

  • Sustainability is local and tangible
  • Work at the neighbourhood scale
  • Engage the voices of generations
  • Big challenges require collaboration
  • Work with people we know and don’t know
  • Learn to collaborative effectively
  • Tap into and unleash our creativity

Based on this feedback and the generous support of the Alberta Real Estate Foundation, the concept of “Awesome Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable Edmonton: What do you declare possible?” was born.

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Click here to download (1 MB)

The Natural Step Sustainability Primer

Provides an explanation of the root causes of unsustainability and describes the strategic planning framework that has helped hundreds of organizations in their journeys toward a sustainable future. This primer will be useful for anyone interested in understanding why sustainability is an urgent challenge for humanity and how to contribute to lasting change. Please note that an Alberta-specific version of this toolkit is also available.

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Click here to download (1 MB)
Click here to open an Alberta-specific version
Click here to download an Alberta-specific version (1 MB)

Amazing Neighbourhoods: Engagement and Sustainability Planning Guide (Alberta Version)

This guide is meant for anyone seeking to engage and collaborate with their neighbours and neighbourhood stakeholders to make their neighbourhood an amazing place to live, work, and play. Amazing neighbourhoods create conditions for people to meet their needs, to enjoy fulfilling, decent and respectful lives while enhancing the ecological, social and economic conditions of the neighbourhood.

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Click here to download (13 MB)

Le guide élémentaire de durabilité

The Natural Step explique les causes fondamentales de la non-durabilité de nos sociétés aujourd’hui et fournit une démarche de planification stratégique qui a déjà aidé des centaines d’organisations dans leur cheminement vers un futur durable. Ce guide intéressera tous ceux qui souhaitent comprendre pourquoi la durabilité est un défi urgent pour l’humanité et comment ils peuvent contribuer à un changement durable. Notez qu’une version spéciale Alberta de ce guide est également disponible (anglais seulement).

Cliquez ici pour ouvrir
Cliquez ici pour télécharger (1 MB)

Planning for Sustainability: A Starter Guide

A toolkit to assist Canadian organizations on the first steps of their sustainability journeys to assess their current reality, develop strategic goals for the future, and take early steps to bridge the gap. Inside, you will find a step-by-step planning guide, complete with recommended exercises, facilitators notes, case studies, success stories of Alberta organizations, and references to further resources. This guide will be useful to organizations that are interested in developing a first draft of a sustainability plan. Please note that an Alberta version of this toolkit is also available.

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Click here to download (1 MB)
Click here to open an Alberta-specific version
Click here to download an Alberta-specific version (1.2 MB)

Planifier vers des sociétés durable : un guide pour débuter

Un guide conçu pour aider les organisations canadiennes à faire leurs premiers pas dans leur cheminement vers des sociétés durables, analyser leur situation actuelle, développer leurs objectifs stratégiques pour le futur et mettre en place des premières actions pour les atteindre.  A l’intérieur vous trouverez un guide de planification étape par étape, ainsi que des recommandations d’exercices, des notes pour l’animation d’atelier, des études de cas, des histoires de réussites d’organisations canadiennes et des ressources complémentaires. Ce guide sera utile aux organisations qui développent une première ébauche de plan de développement durable.

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Cliquez ici pour télécharger (1.3 MB)

Sustainability at Home: Decision-making help for your everyday choices (national version)

A toolkit that helps Canadians understand how to apply sustainable development concepts to everyday household decisions. National in scope, this guide covers an explanation of sustainability; root causes of un-sustainability; questions to ask while making household decisions; concrete and simple suggestions for every room in your home; renovations; resources for further information and ideas; and more. This version of the toolkit was created with our long term partners, The Co-operators, and builds on our earlier Alberta and British Columbia versions of the Sustainability at Home Toolkit.

Click here to open standard PDF
Click here to open PDF with fillable checklist forms (2 files combined)
Click here to download (3.4 MB)

Le développement durable à la maison : aide à la prise de décisions pour vos choix quotidiens (version nationale)

Un guide destiné à aider les canadiens à comprendre comment appliquer les principes du développement durable à leurs décisions quotidiennes. Avec une portée nationale, ce guide comprend une définition de la durabilité, les causes profondes de la non-durabilité, des questions à se poser lorsque l’on prend des décisions chez soi, des suggestions simples et concrètes pour chaque pièce du domicile, des conseils pour les rénovations, des ressources supplémentaires, et bien d’autres choses. Cette version du guide a été réalisée avec nos partenaires de longue date The Co-operators et s’appuie sur les versions anglophones précédentes Sustainability at home rédigées pour l’Alberta et la Colombie Britannique.

Cliquez ici pour ouvrir une version standard
Cliquez ici pour ouvrir une version avec des formulaires à remplir liste (2 fichiers combinés)
Cliquez ici pour télécharger (3.4 MB)
