Town of Olds, Alberta

The Town of Olds is a thriving community in rural Alberta with 7,300 people and a number of significant growth pressures.  The town, which acts as a regional service centre, is engaged in several large capital projects. With a rich agriculture heritage and a reputation for a highly engaged and active volunteer community, Olds committed to developing a municipal sustainability plan to articulate and plan for a sustainable future. 

The Natural Step partnered with the town to support the development of the Olds Strategic Sustainability Plan (OSSP).  It’s based on The Natural Step Framework and follows the guidelines in the Alberta Urban Municipal Association (AUMA) Municipal Sustainability Planning Guidebook.  

The town council and their partner, the Olds Institute for Community and Regional Development, adopted the plan in 2008.   It was developed through extensive community consultation and outlines a desired future and preferred strategic initiatives in 15 key areas.

The Natural Step provided training and coaching to municipal staff and Council, a Citizens Advisory Group and other community partners throughout the development of the OSSP.  The Town of Olds has committed to participating in peer to peer networks, sharing the outcomes of their process and the implementation of their community plan.