Youth Leaders have IMPACT! right now.

Thank you to Katja Macura, our volunteer storyteller, for capturing this story and photos during the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program in Vancouver.

“…young people aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow, they’re the leaders of today. Their voices matter…the things they do now can have a tremendous impact to change the world, right now.” (Justin Trudeau, Globe and Mail, September 26, 2012)

These words were shared by Josh Snider, Manager of Communications at The Natural Step Canada and one of the facilitators of the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training Program held in Vancouver, BC, on September 28-29, 2012. He read them at an evening networking event where eager program participants were able to meet local social entrepreneurs and community leaders. Justin Trudeau’s timely words on youth leadership describe the reason this program is so important, and were exemplified in person by the attendees of this workshop.

The IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training workshops are put on across Canada by The Co-operators, The Natural Step Canada, and generous local supporters. The training is available to students aged 19-25 years old and is focused on developing individual leadership potential, as well as tangible sustainability projects in the community. Based on the participants I met in Vancouver, the project is meeting its goals. The energetic and thoughtful participation of these youth leaders (and make no mistake, they are all passionate leaders!) culminated in clear next steps for each participant.

Workshop facilitators, Josh Snider, Tamara Connell, and Sarah Brooks guided participants through two days of training that included sustainability education and the importance of a systems-based approach; the potential of co-operative business models; and practical lessons in developing a project that included tips on funding and budgeting, all the way through to engagement and project management. In addition to learning about practical ways to move sustainability projects forward, the participants I talked to really appreciated the opportunity to connect with one another, as well as with experienced change agents and business people.

Collectively, participants reflected on the need to demonstrate individual leadership; ways to engage, connect, and collaborate to create an atmosphere for action; the importance of the human side of sustainability; and their personal ability to make an impact by starting anywhere. As the designated storyteller for this event, I witnessed thoughtful dialogue and spontaneous collaboration between participants. This included everything from sharing resources and ideas, to the potential for cross-campus collaboration for greater project impact. These inspiring leaders were putting their learning into action on the spot.

The end result was best summed up by the participants themselves, who identified the traits of a good change agent: persistence, strategic thinking, dedication, talent, passion, and a commitment to collaboration. These are traits all the Vancouver IMPACT! Champions exhibited in the 2-days I spent with them. It was truly inspiring to meet these youth leaders and I look forward to seeing the positive impacts they will make in our world—starting right now. 

Learn more about the IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training program, including our upcoming sessions across Canada, or contact us at emergingleaders(at) or 613.748.3001 x236 to get involved.