
Embedding Sustainability into the Culture of Municipal Government: A much-needed resource being developed

A growing number of municipal governments have created long-term sustainability plans and have made public commitments to move their communities in a sustainable direction. The trickle-down effect of these strategic decisions is changing the way municipal staff plan and make decisions. So how do we create a culture of sustainability in municipal governments?

Message from the Executive Director: A new approach for The Natural Step Canada - The Sustainability Transition Lab

For the past 10 years, The Natural Step Canada has built the capacity of dozens of municipalities and businesses to lead change toward sustainability in their sectors and regions, leading to thousands of changes in policies, decision-making, and concrete actions that are contributing to a more sustainable planet. We have created leaders, role models, and best practice examples for a better world.

To do this, we have largely worked one organization at a time, one community at a time, and one individual at a time. We are proud of our accomplishments and the achievements of those we have worked with. Yet despite tremendous progress, it is clear that working one organization at a time won’t change things at the speed or on the scale we need.

The Natural Step Canada’s Chad Park Recognized for Outstanding Contributions to Sustainability

The Natural Step Canada wishes to congratulate its Director of Programs and Strategy, Chad Park, who has just been recognized as one Canada’s Clean16—the 16 individuals in Canada who have done the most to advance the cause of sustainability and clean capitalism. Chad is also honoured as one of Canada’s Clean50 by Delta Management Group and its team of expert advisors.

Please support Masters level education in Strategic Sustainable Development

In the small town of Karlskrona, Sweden, young leaders from around the world gather every September to begin a Masters program in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. The course is based around The Natural Step Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, and it turns passionate students into empowered change agents for a better world. Imaginer Rivière-du-Loup dans 40 ans

La Ville de Rivière-du-Loup, partenaire de Natural Step Canada, a été mise en avant dans un article pour son initiative de développement durable. Il s’agit d’un bon exemple de municipalité canadienne appliquant la démarche de planification stratégique de Natural Step ayant fait ses preuves.


Rivière-du-Loup - Le mercredi 7 septembre, la Ville de Rivière-du-Loup dévoilait les lignes directrice d’une nouvelle démarche de planification stratégique innovatrice qui sera mise en application d’ici à la fin de l’année et qui s’inscrit dans l’optique d’un développement durable.

The Answers are Blowing in the Wind

The following poem appeared in the Rocky Mountain Outlook of November 27, 2008. This composition is by Bert Dyck, the former Town of Canmore CAO, and addresses a recent community controversy about clotheslines being prohibited in certain Canmore developments

The Answers are Blowing in the Wind

Bert Dyck

I went to Canmore for a walk
On rivers, trails or creeks
Or climb Ha Ling, that rugged Rock
Or other worthy peaks

When what should cross my line of sight
And bugger up my view?
A clothesline on a yard stretched tight
Replete with laundry, too

The lot on which the line I found
Was large and well located
With clothesline on that piece of ground
Its value I deflated

I would have given it a price
Quite high, or even higher
Secure in mind that owners here
Could well afford a dryer

GaïaPresse: L'ABC du DD signé The Natural Step

Avez-vous déjà joué à « fais-moi un dessin » lors d’une formation sur le développement durable? C’est la méthode « TNS » (The Natural Step), présentée lors de l’atelier donné aux participants de la charrette de design durant le Sommet Écocité 2011 – « Comment prendre des décisions durables? ».

La formation se distingue par son aspect participatif, afin de rapprocher le développement durable du quotidien des professionnels présents. Certains participants venaient même d’aussi loin que l’Australie pour assister à ces ateliers.

L’objectif de l’atelier est de présenter les principes du développement durable aux participants de la charrette de design. « Ils pourront alors utiliser le même vocabulaire et faire référence aux même concepts », explique le conférencier John Purkis.

City of Charlottetown: Charlottetown’s Sustainability Coordinator speaks on EcoCity World Summit Panel

In the build up to the EcoCity World Summit in Montreal (August 22-26) Laura MacPherson, Charlottetown’s Sustainability Coordinator, will speak in a panel session tomorrow (Aug 23.) MacPherson will be discussing the steps the City has taken in recent months to foster and cultivate a culture of sustainability in City operations.

The Natural Step Level 2 Sustainability Course: From "What Brought us Here" to the "Science of Sustainability"

Written By: Jennifer Hedayat, Environmental Engineering and Western Canada Internal Sustainability Lead for AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

Environmental Leader - Count What Counts: A Counterintuitive Take on Radical Transparency

An insightful article written by Jim Hartzfeld on sustainability reporting was recently published in the Environmental Leader. He emphasizes the importance of honing in on the few issues that really matter and counting what counts.



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